How to create a Welcome Email Series – If you have a blog, a business website, Etsy shop, or shopping site – you should be collecting the email address of people who visit them, regardless of whether they make a purchase. Why? That is how you begin to build your targeted customer base. It’s the one way you can get exactly what your customers want in front of them quickly. Once a reader has signed up to receive an initial free item, you want to be sure to keep the ball rolling. You don’t want that new subscriber to forget who you are. But, you also don’t want to be in their face twenty times a day or you’ll just end up pissing them off. 🙁
The key is consistent and on auto-pilot. Automatic Email Series are a one-and-done kind of thing and should be part of any email marketing campaign. You can have as many as you want and have them go out any time you determine!
Create a Welcome Email Series
Did you know the Welcome email has 4x higher open rates and 5x higher click-through rates than other emails?
The Welcome email is THE perfect opportunity to completely hook your reader! How do you hook them? Send the reader your best initial offering/content/product you have right away, and you are on your way to loyal customers!
The Welcome Email Series is approximately 4 daily emails sent beginning immediately after the reader has signed up for the initial freebie. Typically, the first of the series is sent about 1-3 hours after the initial email.
Thank You Email
The first email should thank the reader for signing up and getting the initial download. Include that link again – just to be sure they got it. Your email program will tell you if they opened/downloaded the item. Introduce you and your business in 1 to 2 paragraphs. Short and sweet is the rule of thumb for the 1st email.
Close with an invitation and link to your social media profiles. Always sign off with your name and your preferred method to be contacted directly. Do not sell anything in this email.
Expectations Email
The second email should be sent the next day. This email should set the expectations of when/what kind of emails will be sent. Tell the reader how often you will be emailing them and what kind of content they can expect. Examples of what to send: new post notification, 1st notice of new courses/products/freebies, tips/tricks/solutions, and/or special events/promotions. Be sure to tell them what is coming to them tomorrow.
Introduction Email
The third email is all about you and the business. Explain how you started and what problem you can solve for the reader. This is the perfect opportunity to talk about the pain point you can solve for your reader. Maybe include another freebie for them or invite them to be a part of a new special thing you have going on.
Offer Email
The fourth and final email in the welcome series is where you can include a paid item or two. It should relate to the pain point. Provide a link or two to some important blog posts that are on topic. This could be an affiliate link or begin the next phase of your email series – what I like to call the “the most awesome free eCourse I have in my arsenal” series.
Email Tips:
- Spell check – you can’t build trust in your brand/product/service if the emails look like they’ve been written by a four-year-old. The same thing goes for your content. Perfection isn’t a must (I’m sure I’ve got a mistake or two), but installing Grammarly can go a long way.
- Remember you are never writing to a group. You are writing to one person. That person is your ideal customer.
- Every page/post should have an opt-in (call to action) to join your mailing list. No matter what “list” someone is signing up for, they should always get the Welcome Series.
- Keep a “template” email on-hand in your email library. That way you don’t have to recreate every section from scratch each time you create a new series.
- Promote the hell out of your opt-ins. Each one should have some Pinterest pins. Promote on your Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts.
What are some things you have sent to your subscribers? Let us know in the comments below! Don’t forget to install the MailPoet Newsletters Plugin to help you get your Welcome Email Series going!